A snippets of our main policies and the ethos behind the company


Health and safety

We take the health and safety of all our staff and end users of our service extremely seriously and are continually managing our performance and risk factors.


Environmental and sustainable

Without the environment we have nothing, we are simply custodians of our amazing world, that is why we take our environmental duties and commitments very seriously and will continue to monitor and implement what we reasonably can.


We recognise the importance of equality by implementing an Equal opportunities policy, it is our commitment and obligations to safeguarding the equality in our organisation. from the discrimination of gender, race, sexual orientation and religion.


Modern Slavery

The idea of slavery in our times sounds like a bit far fetched to many. However we understand and are aware that this sadly does happen in the modern world, even if not within your own organisation, but down the line of your network and suppliers. As a result we have a policy implemented to make all at our company aware and recognise the signs and act upon them.


Sadly we live in a world with a real threat of terror, although we are in the heart of beautiful Snowdonia, it would be very shortsighted and reckless to think this is simply a big city such as London or Manchester based issue. We have a policy in place to make all personnel in our company aware of the risk and to recognise the signs, we follow the governments site ACT Awareness e-Learning counter terrorism awareness

Other policies we implement and are all available on request